Secure payment & Shipping-policy

Our secure payment

With SSL

What payment methods are supported?

We support all Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Debit cards, Net Banking of all major banks and Cash cards. These payments are processed through the highly secure payment gateways of our payment partner Stripe.

Is it safe to shop on your site?

Yes, as safe as it can get. We have integrated various safety software like MCAFEE and NORTON SECURITY for the safety. We DO NOT access your credit card or any other payment information or store it in anyway. Your payment information is processed through the highly secured servers of Stripe who ensure the maximum safety for your payment credentials.

Do you apply any shipping charges?

No, we provides Free shipping for all orders.

We offer two shipping methods.
Free Shipping :This shipping method utilizes a special postal route to deliver packages directly to your country. This service is faster than airmail.

Expect Shipping:According to your shipping address,our system will automatically select the lowest-priced express shipping method (e.g. EMS, DHL,UPS,FEDEX etc.).

Do you apply Cash on Delivery Charges?

No. No insternational delivery company accept Cash on delivery charges.

How long does it take to ship and for the orders to arrive?

Normally we ship your orders within 1-2 business days after order placement. As Free shipping,after we ship, allow around 8-35 business days for orders to reach you. The delivery time would vary from region to region and sometimes may take few additional business days if your address is in a remote area. Expect Shipping,orders are delivered within 2-7 business days.
Please understand that delays caused by courier services or other external factors are beyond our control.

How do I track my package?

Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a Email which includes the following details:
Courier partner
Tracking id
You can see the tracking number along with the courier name in your orders section when you login into your account on our website.
You can visit our website to track the packages on the respective websites of the courier companies using the provided tracking number.

I have still not received my order. What should I do?

In most of the cases where an order is being shipped to a company or commercial address, delivery agents are not allowed to hand deliver the packages directly to the consignee or contact person. In such cases check with your courier department/mailroom or security at the entrance who accepts all the packages on behalf of your company. If you order is being shipped to a residential colony or apartment, check with the security or concierge at the entrance if they have your package.
Also check your order confirmation e-mail to see if your shipping address and phone number is accurate. If you notice a mistake, please contact our customer support immediately. It may also be a good idea to contact the respective courier agent to get the exact status of your package.
If you still have not received your order after giving it some ample time to arrive, please contact us for assistance.
Email us at: